"If Generation XYZ Doesn't Win This Match, I'm Retiring From The Sport" - Large

Battle of the Winless Bastards. Luckily, someone has to win.  #15 Generation XYZ (0-3) vs. #16 Nightmare (0-2)  

Generation XYZ's 3 losses have come down to the wire, but as our dog water statistics show, XYZ hasn't been able to close the deal. A win here is essential for Generation XYZ. Large is old and only getting older. The window is closing. Who knows how many more trivia matches Large's knees can take. If Large, Jake, and myself can't piece together a complete game, we will start to feel the Dozen Postseason slip through our fingers. 

A loss here would mean Generation XYZ gets bumped from the bracket, while a win means we stay for a potential rematch of last years massive play-off upset against #1 seed Frank & The Frankettes. 

In order to ensure the post season is in our future, XYZ needs to worry about the now, Team Nightmare. 

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